Group Sessions
I have used my fundamental knowledge of
development and life coaching plus my years
of teaching to create a variety of different fun
and interactive workshops. My first priority is to
make sure that everyone feels respected,
challenged, accepted, and understood.
Finding the New You!
This workshop aims to help parents and
professionals develop a plan to reach their
goals. We will reflect on accomplishments,
disappointments, and lessons learned. We will
also identify beneficial and toxic relationships;
achievable and realistic goals; and healthy coping mechanisms. I focus on helping everyone try to
balance the different dimensions of their life and
improving their physical and emotional well-being.
Shine a light on their inner potential and help them
recognize what they can accomplish. Participants
will walk away feeling stronger, empowered
and more motivated to face the challenges
that lie ahead.
Helping Grandparents and Extended
Family Understand Autism
Participants will learn different strategies, practical tips, and an improved knowledge of autism. Plus different ways they can
support their grandchild.
Helping Paraprofessionals Understand Autism
This workshop aims to discuss the Diagnostic Statistic Manual criteria of autism.
It ends with helpful tips for paraprofessionals
to assist students.
Learning about Autism
The goal of this workshop is to help moms
and dads learn more about autism. Whether you
are worried about your own child's development
or would simply like to learn more about the
developmental disorder. Areas targeted: symptoms, evaluation, and possible treatments.
Better Understanding The
Individualized Education Plan
The goal of this workshop is to help parents
better understand their child's Individualized
Education Plan (I.E.P.). Areas targeted:
sections of the document, tips to prepare
for the I.E.P. meeting, and writing effective goals.
Ten Practical Tips to Help Your Child Focus Better
This workshop presents ten practical tips that can help moms and dads better support their child focus while doing homework or any particular
task when their attention is focused elsewhere.
**Workshops are available in-person and online.**
**Please feel free to contact me if there is any
another workshop topic
that you are interested in.**
***What Participants Have Said About
My Workshops!!!***
" The session was very organized, empowering,
friendly, sensitive, and informative."
"She related to us very well and was personable."
"The information was well-organized,
simplified, and helpful."
"Frances has a wonderful way of bringing all
the material together and presenting it in a
concise and positive way. We all felt like we could
ask her ANY question we wanted."
"Frances was amazing and she connected with
the audience so well that I am sure everyone would
be interested in coming to more of her
workshops. She was so easy to work with and her communication with me far exceeded anyone
I’ve ever worked with before."